5 Organizations You Can Volunteer With as a Paramedic

5 Organizations You Can Volunteer With as a Paramedic

Global Medics

Global Medics is exactly what it sounds like, a group of medics from around the world who go were the need is the greatest. Oftentimes volunteering paramedics are sent out to deliver emergency relief services in any form that they may take. You can gain valuable experience in a range of EMT fields from around the world. You can generally in your own country, but you can also have your pick of countries all around the world. If you want more information on this organization, you can visit www.globalmedic.ca


International SOS

International SOS is a medical and travel assistance company which is based in Singapore, and is used by many public and private organizations around the world. It is most popular for those looking to volunteer their knowledge and experience as a firefighter or paramedic. While the company is based in Singapore, those who volunteer in International SOS can be sent all over the world. The possibilities are not limited. Some of the most popular options include New Zealand and Australia, as well as the home base of Singapore. It is easy and rewarding to volunteer at International SOS. For more information, visit https://www.internationalsos.com. 


Medical Teams International 

You can also choose to volunteer for Medical Teams International. It is a group of people from all around the world with specialties in the medical and dental field, as well as community outreach and community impact teams. You can choose to be a part of any of these teams, or wait for a combination of these teams to be dispatched at the same time. You can travel within the United States to do your volunteering in high poverty areas, or you can travel to Africa, Asia, or Latin America. In order to get more information visit http://www.medicalteams.org/take-action/volunteer/international-volunteering


International Medical Corps

The fourth major group that has been welcoming of volunteering paramedics is the International Medical Corps. This group is based out of the United Kingdom, specifically London. They are primarily a group of medical professionals and humanitarian emergency relief responders who are sent all around the world in order to help those who need medical attention but do not have the money or access to obtain it. They aim for a group of young professionals who have a growing passion for global health. If you believe this describes you, you can visit their website at https://www.internationalmedicalcorps.org.uk/volunteer


Volunteering Abroad 

Our final example is the Volunteering Abroad program, which gives people of all fields and experiences the chance to volunteer their time and experience to those in need all around the world. One of the major volunteer locations looking for paramedics is Lusaka, Zambia. This African country has a large population of people who need medical attention due to HIV and AIDS, but there is also a great deal of poverty. Those living in poverty rarely have the proper access to the medical care that they need. If you believe this is the fit for you, visit http://www.goabroad.com/providers/a-broader-view-volunteers-corp/programs/health-care-zambia-lusaka-doctors-nurses-emt-professionals-and-student-volunteer-abroad-85663.


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